For men dealing with divorce there are a number of different
issues that you must face before the healing is complete. There is in fact a
bunch of
stages of grief that we all go through with any event of loss, divorce
is no different.
Divorce has a lot of loss in it, more than you might think. You can lose:
- Your Wife
- Your self esteem
- Your sense of self
- Your confidence as a man
- Your confidence as a father
- Your kids
- Your emotional support
- Your place in the world
Dealing with divorce for men as you can see is not just
about dealing with the emotional turmoil, it is about dealing with the loss of
your sense of place in the world. Basically your entire world and life disappears
in an instant - and there is nothing there to replace it right away!
Through all of this, you must also battle with a
new set of finances, and if
you have kids then you need to work out how to be a
good divorced dad as well.
The plate is very full, and the soul feels so very empty. It is no wonder than
most men do not cope well with divorce and many end up clinically depressed,
and tragically many men commit suicide out of isolation, loneliness, and rock
bottom self esteem.
There is a way forward however, and it involves going through these stages of
divorce as quick as you can to build a new life. By understanding your own psychologically
and why you feel, and think the way you do, you can then take action to recover
from divorce. For more complete information on every step you need to take,
click the link below and take your first step toward
healing from divorce for men.
Help For Men Dealing With Divorce